It gives us great pleasure to announce the following team who have been selected to represent Gauteng North at the upcoming Womens Inter Provincial Tournament to be held at Stellenbosch GC from 1 – 5 October 2018.
Larissa du Preez              Akasia CC     (Captain)
Lenanda van der Watt    Akasia CC
Adele Beytell                     Woodhill CC
Holly Lau                            Woodhill CC
Karin Watts                        Services GC
Shanice de Gee                 Woodhill CC

Kaylin van der Merwe (Wingate Park CC) is the non-travelling reserve.

The team will be managed by Madeleine de Wet.

We wish the team all the best for the preparations leading up to the tournament, as well as the tournament ahead.  We are sure you will fly the Gauteng North flag with pride.