Go GNGU junior girls!

Active Gauteng North Junior lady golfers Carrie Park, Nicole Hannah and Danielle du Toit have been selected for the GNGU IPT team competing in Port Elizabeth from 24 – 27 September in the most prestigious women’s team competition, the 53rd Pick & Pay SA Womens IPT.

Carrie was selected for the A-team, the defending champions, while Nicole and Danielle are in the B-team which competes this year for the first time in the provincial A Division. While the A-team is favorites to win for the seventh year in a row the performance of the B-team caught the headlines.

Our girls
On Tuesday the tournament started with a qualification tournament to determine the top and second flight of the A and B dvisions.  Only the top flight in the A division can win the tournament. Excellent play by Danielle in the morning foursomes and Nicole in the afternoon singles contributed to the B-team qualifying for the top flight and competing for top honours together with the A-team, Western Province A and Gauteng A.

We are proud of our girls who consistently support our local tournaments and quadrangulars despite  the scheduling demands to play in both national womens / girls golf and our local junior tournaments.