GNGU Senior and Super Senior IPT Teams Announced

It gives us great pleasure to announce the Senior and Super Senior IPT teams selected to represent us at the Golf RSA Inter Provincial tournament being held at Heron Banks 4 – 8 April.
Senior Team – from left to right, top to bottom.
Gordon Wessels – Wingate Park CC
Gerhard Strydom – Waterkloof GC
William Skinner (Captain) – Zwartkop CC
Martin Kraft – Wingate Park CC
Maartin Boshoff – Woodhill CC
Derik Piek – Waterkloof GC
Jauqo Jacobs – Irene CC
Robin Ashby – Zwartkop CC

This team will be managed by Morné Engelbrecht.

Super Senior Team – left to right, top to bottom
Leon Scheepers (Captain) – Silver Lakes
Phillip Bierman – Akasia GC
Michael Cullen – Woodhill CC
Dirk Swanevelder – Woodhill CC

This team will be managed by Wayne Heine.

Photo credit for both collages:
Golf RSA

We wish the teams all the best for the tournaments ahead!