11 November 2014 – Gauteng North Golf Union secretary Paul Davel is a man who goes about his business efficiently, quietly and with the minimum of fuss.

Not surprisingly, the electrical engineer employed the same approach when he joined 17 other delegates at Pretoria Country Club on Saturday to participate in the sixth R&A Level One Rules Course, presented by the South African Golf Association (SAGA).

The Irene Country Club captain was delighted that all the delegates passed the exam and pleasantly surprised to learn that he was the first participant to pass the course with full marks.

“When I heard that Gauteng North Golf Union would be hosting the Level One course, I decided it was time to get something official behind my name,” Davel said.

“I have served on the Gauteng North Golf Union executive for seven years and as tournament director for the Silver Salver and other tournaments. I figured that I picked up quite a lot about the rules during this time, but it’s a very nice confirmation that I really do know what I’m doing.

“The course was very well presented and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I think all golf administrators should complete the course, but even more so, any young golfer who wants to make golf his or her career, will definitely benefit from the course.

“To know the rules is to know what to do in any situation and it can not only save you shots, but protect you from disqualification or from unnecessary penalties.”

Susan Deysel was one of four ladies that attended the one-day entry level course, which forms part of the global R&A Working for Golf campaign and is the first phase of the R&A’s Three-tiered Rules Education Program.

“I am really just a social golfer, but as the chairperson for Junior Golf at the Gauteng North Golf Union, I felt compelled to attend the course,” Deysel said.

“I didn’t expect to enjoy myself so much, or to learn so much. The course was incredibly informative and very well presented. It was really unfortunate that the juniors were writing exams, because they would definitely benefit the most from understanding the basic rules and applications.”

The courses are being conducted by SAGA Assistant Executive Director, Neil Homann, who was extremely pleased with a 100% pass rate at Gauteng North Golf Union.

“To date, Boland, Border, Eastern Province, Ekurhuleni, Central Gauteng and Gauteng North Golf Unions have hosted courses and we plan to cover all 13 unions,” Homann said.

“Almost all of the nearly 200 attendees has passed the course and that is a very positive result. However, whether the delegates pass or fail, every attendee leaves us with a really good understanding of the basic rules and etiquette and can impart that knowledge at their clubs.

“The course offers us a wonderful opportunity to draw more people to the game and it is very encouraging that nearly all the Level One course attendees have indicated that they want to do the Level Two course, as well.”


Compiled by Lali Stander and edited by R de Beer


GNGU Introductory rules course attendees