Another very successful year for the Union was once again confirmed at our Annual General Meeting held at Akasia Country Club on Wednesday the 8th of May. Mr Gerry Few our President reported back on the past year and we are all proud to be part of the Union and its achievements. For the full annual President’s report click here President’s Report 2013
Congratulations and welcome to our new members elected to serve on our Executive Committee:
Robin van Eyssen from Pebble Rock, Anthony Dutton (Marketing/Media) from Services, Thea Nel from The Els Club and Winnie Ingram from Irene. Anthony Dutton could not be present due to illness, we hope he recovers soon.
Congratulations also to the existing Executive Members for being re-elected to serve for another term: PRESIDENT – Gerry Few, VICE-PRESIDENT – Johan Struwig, VICE-PRESIDENT (woman) – Dot van Ryneveld, TREASURER – Denis Dreyer, Paul Davel, Eddie Roux, JUNIORS – Leon Roux.
Office Staff: Mellette Hendrikse – Golf Operations Manager, Magdel Krajnc – Admin Manager.


L to R: Willie van Zyl, Nolan Karp, Gerry Few, Mark Bruyns
Front: Brigid Cheyne

Thank you for all your kind assistance!